
at last - Lyn's Death By Brownies recipe

NOT for the feint of heart....


constructive notice to the world

Believe what you like. Lead by example. Please do not insist you know what is best for my body. If I wish to eat myself to death or abort a fetus, I shall. If you disagree with my choice, show the world your best example of how to live using your own body. Should I, for any reason, be reduced to a persistent vegetative state, please do not prolong my life.

Refusing to give up or let go; persevering obstinately.
Insistently repetitive or continuous: a persistent ringing of the telephone.
Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time; enduring: persistent rumors; a persistent infection."

If there exists no possibility of my living a life with love, activity, open communication, peace and joy outside of a hospital or hospice environment, I do not wish to exist; that is not my sort of life. Please do not harass my husband, family, or friends about honoring my wishes, as I am making them public here and now. As far as I'm concerned, it's not about killing or being killed. It's about being allowed to die with dignity.
~Robyn Ginsburg Braverman


unbeatable for sheer amusement, esp. if stressed...


if you have ever said to yourself, "gee, I'd feel a lot better if only I could see a (insert noun, such as couch or plastic toy) crushed into ribbons," or even if you haven't....this is disturbingly fascinating.



a life-changing experience occurred yesterday.

Lawrence Health Center is on El Camino Real, just south of Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara...disturbingly close to the site of the terrible long-ago roommate-who-sold-my-furniture situation (Nathan, you wre amazing) and my first food service job. And yet...simply another lifetime away. The Health Center is a Korean bathhouse style setup, which is a trip in and of itself, gender-split with one side of the building just for females and the other side just for males. I'm assured that the male side just has more big-screen televisions or something. An $18 cover charge admits you for the day into a world of unlimited wet or dry saunas, warm, cool, or hot baths, and showers and showers and more showers, followed closely by relaxing flops onto heated marble platforms for sleeping or louging. It's a sincere total celebration of water, and the Aquarian in me swoons.

For an additional fee, you can have black lingere-clad attendants scrub the ever-lovin' crap out of you for an hour...removing every last dead skin cell from your every reachable place, then slather you with oils and massage you from head to toe. You can't have your eyes open because when they're not covered you're still concerned some errant oil or mystery product could fly in at any moment, because these women AREN'T KIDDING AROUND. They are very firm; this is no delicate little Napa experience we're talking about. It ends with a delicious shampoo, scalp massage, and conditioning treament. They earn every cent, and I'm not kidding when I say that I laughed, cried and drooled. And I can't wait to go back.