
all is well with the production

Our first run-through of Slices went so well on Tuesday. I'm really pleased with the production, and we'll be so ready on the 25th! Just lovely. A few more judiciously-located props and we're all set.

Lyn has once again come up with a delight: http://fekids.com/img/kln/flash/DontGrossOutTheWorld.swf? How does she do it? I'm free to travel the globe; how about you?
Off to a run-through.


blood oranges!

whole fruit is the best. fruit. for. me.

blood oranges are back in stores now. yum. deliciously unusual. great for after yoga. scary looking, and then there's the initial shock of slicing into one and having it look wrong, and smell wrong...and yet, that's somehow...right.


yes, I was inspired

I didn't mean to make a statement about the Terry Schiavo case, though of course, in ranting, I did anyway. I was inspired by the case, to be sure, and felt it necessary to make my desires and intentions clear to the world. I also find it incredibly irritating that I paid for MY PRESIDENT to fly to Washington to sign legislation about this completely personal issue. Please keep the government out of my body.

There's just no room for anyone else in here.


right again, Kate:

It really isn't a production meeting without a baked potato.

Let's recap:
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle AND
A woman without a man is like a production meeting with a baked potato.
Feminists and Wendy's-lovers unite (or untie, for the dyslexic) in holy matrimony. Or some such.
OK, perhaps a drink - think I'll lie down.


because you always *said* you wanted to build your own cow...

...am I right? here's the template for the most groovin' barnyard fun: